Every pastor I know pulls out the old line, “With the exception of the Kingdom of God- Jesus talks about money more than anything else.” Pastors use this line because once a year we offer a Stewardship sermon. The one sermon is always just before Stewardship/Consecration Sunday. Every year we try to come up with a new angle. There are no new angles. It’s really simple- give if you can, give what you able. Support the mission and ministry of the church. We can use the UCC Stewardship theme or we can craft our own. This year the theme is “What Shall You Bring?”
The pastor is often put in a strange place. When you look at a church budget you know where the income comes from and you know where it goes. Usually a large portion of that is the pastor’s salary. It’s strange because if pledging drops or increases it can be viewed as a reflection of the pastor’s performance. While that may influence what a person pledges to the church, there are many other factors.
Another factor that seems to play into people’s decision is the budget. Some folks will base their pledge on the budget and others may base their pledge on their ‘feelings of responsibility and duty.’ I would like to think that people will give what they are able based on their passion for the mission and ministry of our church. We don’t twist arms, take people on guilt trips, or hand down requirements. We simply ask, “What shall you bring?” We hope that you will do what you are able. Let your gift, your pledge, your offering- represent you.
In Peace and Love-
Rev. Will