Happy Thanksgiving!
It was a few years back that I was able to recognize my longest standing tradition. Thanksgiving dinner with family. There were years when my family worked a strange schedule and lived apart from my family and so the holiday meals and rituals were on hold. The Thanksgiving of 1991 changed that.
Julie, my wife, and I had just met the night before Thanksgiving. She felt sorry for me that I didn’t have any where to go on Thanksgiving. She invited me to her family dinner. So, technically, that was our first date! I have spent every Thanksgiving since with the family.
Over the years, we have seen some come and some go. We have had one year special guests. In that time, we seen our own family grow. What a collection of stories we have amassed? And like most families there are stories and topics that we just won’t talk about. The venue has changed, and the menu remains pretty similar considering that we all have our own favorite dishes and desserts.
I hope that all your family traditions and rituals add meaning to your Thanksgiving. I have much to be thankful for, and I am hopeful that you see that you do as well.
I am thankful that I have been called to the First Congregational Church as your pastor.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Rev. Will