Tradition is important. It is one of the pillars of the church. Traditional is a style. One of the things that drew me to this church was its ability to embrace the tradition of the past and still find ways to be innovative. I think that the church saw that in me as well.
It is impossible to please everyone, all the time, but hopefully, our worship and faith lives are pleasing to God. This Sunday, we will host our first Souper Bowl Sunday worship service. My hope is that this very untraditional worship service which will take place in our most traditional sanctuary will be pleasing to most. Here is why I love this service:
-It is different and fun. Worship can get routine. Every now and then it is exciting to introduce a little chaos into worship. Like most people, I like order. For most, this is something we adore about traditional worship—we know what is going to happen and most of it is in our control.
-It is for the good. Each year food is collected and donated to a local food pantry/cupboard. We make a monetary donation which will help alleviate the issue of food insecurity in our community.
-It is welcoming and inclusive. Souper Bowl Sunday is giant invite. It is an opportunity to show others that we are not always traditional (which some may translate as ‘boring’). Some may be thinking about ‘checking out the church,’ but are nervous to take that first step into a sanctuary. This is a great time to invite someone who may be thinking about church. Invite people from other churches- so they can bring our ideas back to their church! We worship together-all ages! Then we gather after the service for a big pot luck tail-gate party. There is always plenty of food.
-Come dressed in your favorite sports team attire
-bring items to donate to the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Food Cupboard
-bring a dish to share for our pot-luck Tail-gate Party following worship
-bring a friend, loved one, seeker, rival, All are Welcome—Always!