Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world.”
~Teresa of Avila
Prayer shawl making is a way to be the hands of Christ – it is a way to use our talents, to put our faith in action, and to give to our community for the common good. Christ gave himself through his teachings. Our praying into the stitches of a prayer shawl is the giving of yourself to help comfort and support a loved one, an acquaintance, and even a stranger that might need to be warmed during chemotherapy treatment, or a child that needs comfort to fall asleep, someone that has lost a loved one, a friend that is getting married, a baby that is getting baptized or simply give to someone so they can feel joy by being given a handmade gift.
Our ministry was established in 2003 by Ginger Mileski, Jean Souter & Linda Wagner and was originated in 1998 by Janet Severi Bristow & Victoria Galo, Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary, Hartford, Connecticut.
The official website for the shawl ministry is, and we encourage you to visit that site for complete information and the latest news of events, tips, messages, and other information and links.
Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is just like the roads across the earth. For actually there were no roads to begin with, but when many people pass one way, a road is made.” ~ Lu Hsun